Last century
Cantina il Poggio is an historical institution in Salsomaggiore area, the traditional sparkling wines have been produced since the fifties; in 1973 the wines started to be sold around the district reaching even the “far away”, at that time, Milan.

New Millennium
Following the renovation that took place in 2007, the winery focused on innovation with modern equipment and pioneering techniques without forgetting its origin.
It’s just the beginning...
More than 25 awards
in the last 7 years
More than 150 fulfilled guests’ reviews.
From the top of Cangelasio hill, our hill, the stunning view allows to admire the Pianura Padana until the magnificent Alps, and even our grapes enjoy this sight before turn into our fascinating wines.

Il Poggio
Received from Associazione Italiana Sommeliers Emilia, on 30/09/2012 in Vigatto
(PR), an excellence award on the wine guide“Emilia Romagna da bere e da mangiare”
edition 2012/2013.
Poggio IGT 2012, received in 2016 from Associazione Italiana Sommelier Romagna, the
award of “Qualifica di Eccellenza” on “Emilia Romagna da bere e da mangiare” wine
guide edition 2016/2017.
Poggio IGT 2015, received in 2018 from Associazione Italiana Sommelier Romagna, the
award of “Qualifica di Eccellenza” on “Emilia Romagna da bere e da mangiare” wine
guide edition 2017/2018.
Poggio IGT 2015 received Golden Medal at “Mostra Nazionale Vini” 2018.
Poggio IGT 2016 received Golden Medal at “Mostra Nazionale Vini” 2019.
Il Gelasio
Won Bronze medal at
“The World of Malvasia” international
competition, held in Poreč Croatia, on
24th April 2014.

Il Liberty
Received the Star of Excellence from
Italian Sommeliers Association Emilia,
in Vigatto (PR) on 20th September
2015, by the Guide “Emilia Romagna da
bere 2015” edition 2015/2016.

Il Pensiero
Won Gold medal at “The World of Malvasia”
international competition, held in Poreč
Croatia, in May 2016 and May 2019.
Il Parmigianino
Won Bronze medal at “The World of Malvasia”
international competition, held in Poreč Croatia,
on 14th May 2017.